Monday, July 25, 2022

The Residence of S. K. Wambold

Appleton in the latter part of the 19th century was well established as a center of industry, commerce, government and education all of which made for a vibrant community.  Captains of industry grew wealthy and built dwelling that displayed their status.  One such person was S. K. Wambold, an entrepreneur and civic leader he served as alderman for many years.  His business venture included the Briggs and Wambold sash and door factory, the Lawrence flour mill and ultimately general manager and treasurer of the Fox River Paper Company. 

On May 29th, 1879, the Appleton Post printed a short notice announcing that Mr. Wambold was to build a new house on the corner of Lawrence and Durkee streets and William Waters of Oshkosh was to draw the plans.  By that time Mr. Waters had designed many building in the city and had gained a reputation as thorough and amiable.  The house was a large frame structure with a brick veneer.  The front porch wrapped around the side allowing access to another door.  Double windows on both floors filled the space below a gable on the front elevation.  A hipped roof caped the building with decorative iron work along the ridge.  Inevitably the neighborhood changed and was the death knell for the residential structures in the area.

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