public schools of Oshkosh have already been covered in previous posts
but not all the schools of Oshkosh have been discussed. All the
Catholic congregations had schools as did some of the Lutheran
churches. Mr. Waters designed churches for two Catholic parishes
and the schools which were to follow. The first parochial school was
for St. Vincent de Paul on Oregon Street. An announcement for the
taking of bids appeared in the newspapers of May 1874 and there followed
in July a missive on the laying of the cornerstone. That was all the
Oshkosh press had to report on the matter, it being quite common
place for south side projects to receive little or no attention in
the pages of the papers. Soon a fine brick school stood on the lot
adjacent to the church and rectory. The building was three stories
high with a tower at the front and center, a feature that along the
church spire would dominate the south side skyline for fifty years.
In 1889 the school was expanded. This time the newspaper were a
little more generous this their coverage. The Oshkosh Times of
August 7, 1889 ran a story about the addition to be erected next to the
existing building. The details were that the annex was to be built of
brick, measuring 40 x 80 and two stories high with a large hall to
occupy the second floor. St. Vincent parish covered the block
fronting on Oregon Street from South Park Avenue to Twelfth Avenue.
The congregation replaced the old church in 1914 and by 1930 the old
school was replaced as well.
Waters also planned St Peter's Church and that congregation built a
school in the summer 1884. It's unclear if Waters designed that early structure but photographs reveal some details that were commonly used
by Mr. Waters. What is a fact is that in June of 1913 plans were
announced for a new Catholic high school. By July The Oshkosh Daily
Northwestern published a full description replete with architect Waters' rendering. The basement was to be devoted to club activity with
billiard, reading rooms, bowling allies and a swimming tank on one
side of the building and on the other there was to a gymnasium 40 x
70, two stories high. The first and second floors were going to be
outfitted with commodious class rooms and an auditorium on the top
floor above the gymnasium. All this was to cost $35,000 or $50,000
with the addition of the land purchase need to build. Some years
later a large gymnasium was built adjacent to the school giving more
room for classes. Eventually the building became an elementary
school and in the 1960's an addition was placed on the front of the
I attended grade school at St Peter's and have many fond memories of the place. I also attended kindergarten at Longfellow School which was also a Waters' design and noticed the similarities in the two schools. Some years ago the Catholic churches of Oshkosh were reorganized and what was St. Peter became Most Blessed Sacrament Parish and the school is still in use.