history of the Wm. H. Doe Fire House is not well documented. There
had long been a fire house on High Street, the Union Hook and Ladder
Company, located on that street between Division and Light streets.
As the city expanded it made little sense to have three fire houses
just a few blocks from Main Street and companies were relocated.
Most of the history to be found on the fire house were newspaper
notices of city council proceedings. The first was dated 3/18/1874
and told of a resolution voted upon concerning a new steam fire
engine recently purchased by the city. The resolution was to name
the engine for William H. Doe and instructed the manufacturer to
affix a plaque to the machine bearing that name. A reason for this
honor was not reported in the missive. Next, on May 27, 1874
Alderman Whitney of the Fire Commission presented to the council a
plan for a new fire house intended to house the new Wm. H. Doe Engine
and perhaps that's why the house took on that name as well. That report
was followed on
June 10th
by a more detailed proposal which mentioned a High Street lot,
recently purchased and the cost for both wooden and brick structures.
Also on that same day in the same newspaper there appeared a notice
for the taking of bid for the new fire house, the plans for which
could be seen at the office of William Waters. The city council
approved the building of the new station and for the rest of that
year notices of the council proceeding concerned themselves with the
letting and payment of contracts for the building.
Waters' design for the Doe Fire House was a departure from his
earlier efforts. The building was simple and symmetrical with no
tower to grace the facade. There was a large central door for
equipment flanked by passage doors. On the second floor, at center
was a set of double windows with single windows on either side and
above that was brick cornice topped by a parapet. Photographic
evidence shows an addition of a wooden shed on the north wall,
perhaps to accommodate more equipment. The station was not without a
tower but it was placed toward the back of the building. That
neighborhood along High Street was the industrial center of the city
and was lined with factories that produced sash and doors, wagons and
carriages, trunks and luggage as well as matches, all things made of
wood. Algoma Boulevard was becoming a popular residential street for
the wealthy of Oshkosh, so it was imperative to have good fire
protection. The station was still in use in 1922 but was
decommissioned not long after that, at the end it was the home the
the University Book Store before being razed in order to provide
green space.